
Swadhinata Launch Invite
  1. ‘Shadinata’ compilation by Ansar Ahmed Ullah et al published in 1994 by Nirmul Committee
  2.  Remembering World War One’s Army of Bengali Workers by Ansar Ahmed Ullah’ (PDF, 272KB)
  3. ‘Bengali Language Movement’ by Julie Begum published in 1996 by Nirmul Committee
  4. Directory to assist secular activists and defenders: Bangladeshi Free Thinkers under Threat (PDF, 611KB)
  5. ‘Exploring Banglatown and the Bengali East End’ by Dan Jones published by Tower Hamlets Council (researched by Swadhinata Trust) in 2004
  6. ‘Tales of Three Generations of Bengalis  in Britain’ by John Eade et al published by NirmulCommittee in 2006
  7. ‘Tales of Three Generations of Bengalis  in Britain-Teachers Note’ by Bhavini Algarra et al published by Nirmul Committee in 2006
  8. ‘Bengalis in London’s East End’ by Ansar Ahmed Ullah & John Eversley published by Swadhinata Trust in 2010 (PDF, 166KB)
  9. Seminar Report on Countering Extremism, 10 March 2011 (PDF, 514 KB)
  10. Swadhinata Trust Feasibility Study by Daniele Lamarche produced in 2000. The study sets out the key findings on behalf of the Trust, supported by the Central Stepney Regeneration Team, with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (PDF, 515KB)
  11. Bengalis in East London: A community in the making for 500 years by Danielle Lamarche (PDF, 99KB)
  12. Bangladeshi immigrants’ British Bangladeshis Alexander Lidher 2024 2021_MigrationLetters_Mantovan